Friday, January 21, 2022

Full freezer of Drafts


You may be surprised to hear that I have a "freezer" full of drafts awaiting defrosting...or posting as it may.  Back 20 years ago...pardon me, I mean 2 years ago, just feels like 20, as everyone was diving into new hobbies (ie: bread baking and TP hoarding) to keep their hands and minds occupied I turned to my vintage cookbooks.  Instead of finding a new project I decided to ramp up my cooking and baking because as Checker's says "Ya gotta eat."  
The dishes that I have yet to post are the "saving the best for last" even!  Most of the work is already done: Dish constructed, photographed, photos edited and loaded.  It's just that last little problem of getting the posts written.  That's always the time vampire.  At this point the other problem I foresee is remembering what the dish tasted like....
There are 13 dishes that I have out defrosting and will be working on getting them all served up in the near future!

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