Monday, September 04, 2006

Kitschy Crap

I got this book, Kitschy Crafts, as a gift this week. It highlights a few different crafts from the mid century to now. I'm just going to say it...the book kinda sucks. It has great use of layouts, fonts/text and images but the how-to and the craft selections are very mediocre....caprisun juice packet purse (seen it! and didn't think it was such a great idea anyway)... record bowls (cool, but they are in very single alternacraft book out there)...tie dye (this was never a good idea...ever! and even thinking about it makes me queasy and there are a million online how-to's for it I'm sure).

So anything interesting at all? I did find out that those grape cluster deals at antique malls are a handmade craft! The book tells how to make them but its pages long and is asking too much of me and my time. That is one cool lamp though!

As a side note I want to thank everyone for the kind emails and comments I have been getting about my 'sock drawer'... It's still in disarray and I don't know when I will be able to get it really taken care of and life has to go on right?


  1. Love the grapes! Sad that book doesn't have cooler projects tho'. However, *YOU* do not need a come up witih wonderful stuff all on you own! :)
    Glad you are back, messy sock drawer or not! Maybe you can make a rag rug out of 'em! :)

  2. I saw one of these lamps at an estate sale and When I went to grab it, it wasnt for sale :( sniff

    I wanted that grape lamp! I guess you can make anything into a lamp, hmmmmm

  3. Thanks for the review! I had seen that book and almost bought it.

  4. Gotta say I agree about the book. I mean, we all know kitschy can be crappy but not this crappy.That's the fun of it for me. You know...when something is soooo bbbaaaaddd its good? I was all excited when I saw this book and then kinda bummed when I saw that there was virtually nothing interesting in it at all!

    As for the unorganized 'sock drawer'...whoa! do I hear that!!!


  5. Perhaps making that lamp will keep your mind off the socks? No? If not, the present I sent may help:) hee hee!
