Friday, December 15, 2006

this town sucks

You see this?

Well it now looks like this:

When I posted a few days ago about the remodeling of the krispy kreme, I didn't except that they were tearing the whole damn place down. I just got back from digging around in the rubble and deflecting bums. It's prolly not such a great idea for a 105 lb gal to be out at midnight balancing on broken timbers and glass shards alone but I did scored some lovely bricks as mementos for myself and a couple friends. These glossy red bricks were one of my favorite features of the building.

The strange thing is that the wreckage still smells like "HOT DOUGHNUTS NOW".....


  1. I hate when people don't recycle! The windows could have been reused as well as all those bricks.

    Glad you were able to "rescue" some of them purty red bricks!

  2. NO! NO! NO!!! Are they at least putting up a new one? Terrible waste. Those bricks could have been put to funky use. I suppose the sign returned to ... ugh... corporate.

  3. Really suspicious about this so called renovation. The former Krispy Kreme was certainly serviceable, and I rather liked it's fifties feel.

    I've heard the company is having a lot of financial problems. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Chick-Fil-A or something like that on that property next year instead of a new Krispy Kreme.

  4. You are lucky you didn't run into any of those bums that used to hang around that doughnut counter all day. That place gave me the creeps.

    I've heard its going to be a new Starbucks.

  5. That so sucks that they did that!!! I am glad that you went looking for stuff.
    I hate it when people distroy memories like that. augh!!

  6. Were there any signs left laying around??

  7. That's so sad...:( *sniff*

  8. That kind of waste makes me sick to my stomach. If I had the money, I would start an architectural salvage business. I just don't understand the tear down mentality.

  9. they did that here in Orlando about 15 years ago. We then went about 7 years without a KK!! They then built a lifeless sterile new one out by UCF>

  10. I've never even had a Krispy Kreme, but i know your pain. I had only just found a restaraunt around here that I felt was straight out of my dreams. it was clled the Fishbowl and apparently they used to hold Greazefests there for a while ((Greazefest is like your american Viva Las Vegas... smaller tho lol))

    And every table at the restaurant was different with mismatching chairs and on the table i used to sit at teh table number was sticking out of a retro stainless steel toaster and on some it was a doll. At the front door was a huge taxidermied giraffe neck up and a whole bear i think. On the ceiling was so many differnet things, there was plastic ivy n one section, a plastic tea-set on another section and a whole monopoly game in another section, like someone had just finished playing it on the ceiling.

    Anyway, the last time i was there I saw teh owner talking to this couple. Apparently they were buying the place.

    Then they tore it down. Or changed it into something else.

    It pissed me off that something that would have taken this lady years to make awesome could just be thrown away. I guess she had a good reason, but if I had of had enough money ((when i was what? 14?)) i would have bought it!

    Anyway, I'm really glad you got to save some cool bricks. I wish I had somethign from the Fishbowl.

  11. Howdy. Love your blog. I was reading some of the recent posts and saw the Creature Christmas tree. You should email a picture of it to Ben Chapman, one of the two actors who played the Creature in the films (he did the land shots) I've met him several times and he's a great guy and I'm sure he would get a kick out of seeing your tree!
    Have a great Christmas!

  12. That is too bad. But, do you think it's actually gone for good? They closed all the ones here in Phoenix with absolutely no warning. They didn't even tell their employees! They just showed up for work and all the places were padlocked. Nice, eh?

    That being said, I do think it's terrible how old buildings constantly get torn down. There's no nostalgia anymore.

  13. I know how you feel. Today I wrote about the closing of one of my favorite resturants. It was a country hole in the wall of an entirely different "vintage" but it's demise leaves a hole nonetheless.

  14. The Krispy Kremes near me are all closing. I know the company's fallen on hard times.

  15. Is this in Atlanta GA on Ponce? I have beautiful memories of going here if it is. I am doubly sad for you, either way. I can smell those Hot Doughnuts Now.! Sigh.

  16. They are opening up all over down here. I'm not really a fan, so would gladly send them back to the USA although some of my friends are hooked. I think it is a shame they didn't recycle the bricks, windows, and so on, it is a real waste. Good on you for saving some of the rubble from landfill. They are great coloured bricks. Louise (Australia)
