Sunday, December 31, 2006

more gifties!!!

the gifts just keep coming! here are the lovely things my sweet heather and mike (aka the baron) gave me for christmas:

a full color Knox gelatin recipe booklet (loads of unpleasant looking foods in molded forms!!) , Santa Claus!!! (squeal!) on dvd and a large spider web stamp. it's wonderful to have friends that get me and know what i like.

i also got this sweet dress that heather thought would make a great apron. i have to say i agree.

close up of the print:

in christmas clearance news, i got 2 of these cute robot kid aprons at old navy for 3 bucks for pumkinbutt and myself. I have plans of us making up an army of cookie 'bots some day soon whilst wearing them.

i am so overwhelmed and busy folks... i'm going to try my best to not let the "house" here get too dusty. sorry for all the waaaay late christmas posting, but that's just the way it's going to be. if you don't like it you can leave me a rude comment with your email as your name calling me a poser for my lateness (huh?) and then delete it, and then not be bright enough to realize that the comment still gets sent to my email reguardless....and reminding once again that you leave your email as your


  1. Gelatin is so, you know, 1950s. I wonder why Jell-o was so popular then.

  2. re: your rude comment leaver...
    Bwah! Some people suck at the interwebs.

  3. Such fun stuff! I really love your sushi platters,leave it to you to give cave dwelling type pics a house-wifey anthropological feel!

  4. Hello, love your blog! Fantastic stuff, fantastic friends! I still love jello, just not the 50s weird color photos and weird ingredients.

  5. why a rude comment? you mean you actually HAVE A LIFE outside this BLOG????????

    (Hee Hee!!!!)

  6. I love this- I picked three up when they were on sale- my son is a disaster with a robot fetish=)

  7. I have No life and I cannot WAIT for you to post another blog entry!! If you don't post soon I will turn on you with gnashing of teeth and blog fury!!
    P.S. I love Jello and you
