Thursday, February 01, 2007

Weirdness and Oddities

tagged by Saucy for six weird things about me...only 6? ha!

1. i like to smell my son's feet to check their stinky rating. pickle feet, love it.

2. i have a dried wishbone collection. i figure i have better odds of getting my wish if i have a collection of them to break.

3. i would rather have a glass door knob from an old house than a diamond.

4. i wish i could get away with wearing aprons as clothing, or other more costumey kinda, what's wrong with wearing tiny top hats or black plastic bugs on barettes when it's not halloween?

5. i like to dance seductively to Pulp when i am alone in the studio at school. mmmm....jarvis....mmmmm.

6. speaking of music... i like to listen to songs on repeat... the same song...for weeks. right now it's Radio Blast by the tiles.


  1. I can ABSOLUTELY relate to 3,4 & 6. I used to wear costumey things a lot but I don't enjoy strangers asking where I am going all the time. :)

  2. Jarvis - Oh Jarvis! If there was only one man I could have sex with in this world it would be him...

  3. Ooo! I have glass doorknobs! Want em? I pulled them off our doors (they didn't work...not from lack of love) and I have NO idea what to do with them.

  4. You do have a cute house, that's for sure. My mom used to collect wishbones! There was always an odd assortment hanging from our kitchen cupboard handles. I like to collect old things as well, but not wishbones....

  5. sharkeysday! i would love to give those doorknobs a new home! send me an email so we can work out the specs!

  6. sharkeysday! i would love to give those doorknobs a new home! send me an email so we can work out the specs!


  7. tee hee "pickle feet" that's so cute!

  8. Not too weird! Really! I'm with you on the glass doorknobs - dried wishbones not too weird... my grandmother? Her grandchildren's teeth! No word of a lie. In a jar on her shelf. Yes.

  9. The wishbone thing is funny--I never thought of collecting something like that.

  10. And I thought I was the only one in the world who could listen to the same song repeatedly, ad infinitum.

  11. oh my. stinky feet, check. wishbones, check. doorknobs, check. aprons, double check.

    well, you know, you can wear only aprons as clothes if you just don't leave the house.

  12. Definitely nothing wrong with wearing tiny top hats or black plastic bugs on barettes when it's not halloween!

  13. Ahhh, when I was little our house had glass doorknobs! They were kind of broken. They would come out of teh door an dthey could be used as a key! If you closed the door and you didn't have the door knob the door wouldn't open.
