Friday, September 21, 2007

bad kitty

i have been making a few record bowls for an upcoming function and thought i would share this odd album cover with you all.

moonlight madness.... a man (?) in a tiger suit and a scantily dressed fishnet stocking wearing female tweaks his whiskers....i just can not interpret this scene as anything but a sick sexual role playing fantasy (but really, who am i to judge) or maybe this is the hallucinations concurred after OD ing on cherry flavored robitussin. didn't listen to the record yet so that possibly insightful bit of info is lacking. i am sure it's all about creating some ambience in regards to... "moonlight madness".


  1. You are so funny! Love your sense of humor! And, I'm also curious...what is a record bowl?

  2. i completely agree with your assessment of the album cover. definitely an eerie premonition of the furry movement, if you ask me. also, yay a new post! i've been checking every day. now i can chill.

  3. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is curious about record bowls! Hope to see a post about 'em soon, LOL. Oh, and when you listen to the record let us know if there is a clue about the odd couple on the cover!

  4. daniel de carlo, maybe he's related to yvonne de carlo (lily munster)... so glad you're blogging again.

  5. I love the album cover. Stuff like that makes me giggle. Who thought that would bring big sales?!?
