Saturday, September 01, 2007

Crap Hound

i just discovered the most lovely series of magazines during the trip to atlanta called crap hound. it's nothing but clip art from front to cover. each edition focuses on a few items/topics. i have only been able to acquire edition 5 (hands, hearts and eyes) and the newest 6 (death, telephones, scissors).


apparently the upcoming 7 &8 are to have a focus on church and state... i don't have much info on ordering but these guys may be able to help: reading frenzy


  1. I read about this guy in an old Zines volume 1(or something like that)its a book that reviews old zines like Al Hoffs and lyn perils. Its such a perfect name!

  2. I'm using my wife's account so I'm going to be anonymous for now. I don't know if it's the same now-a-days but years back, Crap Hound didn't seem to care much about copywright infringment. Be careful how you use the images. Great publication none the less!!!

  3. Ooooh, could find lots of uses for the images. I love the name Crap Hound too :)
