Friday, October 31, 2008

post halloween treats

i know it's a bit late in some mind frames for halloween stuff but i have a few i wanted to share. first are the treats shown below. i found the recipe in a little free halloween idea booklet from my beloved Target. if Target is not carrying the pumpkin spice kisses anymore i am sure there will be something else just as interesting to try out in the same way.

so yummy i couldn't even keep the plastic mice away!


  1. Pumpkin spice kisses you say?? I've never heard of such a thing! Must go to Target to search for this magical item!

  2. That looks yummy! I saw some NY cheesecake ones at Wally workd the other day. I may do the same thing with that and graham cracker. YUmmy!

  3. I have made something similar at Christmas time with Rollos. We call them "poor man's turtles" The pumpkin spice kisses sound divine!
