Friday, December 18, 2009

vintage stinky, rubbed off felty, christmas wreath

there's been minimal crafting and free time within my world for oh.... two years or so. i happened upon an opportunity to get together with best gal pal, dixiedoll heather last week for some holiday craft cheer. yay!
i have been scouring thrift stores for 7 or so years collecting little vintage christmas stuffs. i didn't care if the eyes were missing, Rudolph had a non repairable bent antler or they reaked of that old plastic smell. misfit ornaments need a home too! I accumulated a decent sized box worth... but wasn't sure what was the best way to use them. Until I remembered seeing a huge wreath in an antique mall several years ago that was covered in these kinda odds and ends. Aha!
heather and i rummaged through the box and made wreaths together. Behold my results:

The box is still about 2/3 full. I plan to do some more adding to the wreath eventually... it's just not there for me yet. heather ran off with her wreath before i could photograph it. heather bought the wreaths at big lots for 10 bucks a piece. her's was red and she went with a simple approach, inserting a smaller plastic holly wreath in the middle with a plastic fireplace with Santa sitting on the mantle in the middle lower section. Very cute indeed! when i get an image i will put it up.


  1. I'll email you a pic of my wreath, it looks absolutely fab on my green foil covered door. Yours turned out very fab as well.

  2. SO happy you've returned!!
