Sunday, October 31, 2010

gruesome graveyard

the JOL this year was from a martha stewart idea and stencil. the pumpkin i got was apparently a concrete hybrid because i could not get the tools to touch it. i actually had to use a dremel to just remove the relief parts and a chainsaw to cut the top...well maybe i didn't use a chainsaw but looking back that would have worked. so this idea of cutting/carving less and adding black paint to bring out the features worked out nicely. for the duration of the photos you will get to experience ohhhhhh.....the gruesome graveyard! (say all italics with a spooky voice!)
dollar tree tombstones, severed hand luminaries (more on that in another post below) and tea lights.
light up bone lights, an old piece of a picket fence (that i could never throw out and now glad i didn't) and old moss i picked up from the ground of the local park.

black birds (i got on clearance several years ago post halloween) perched on the tops of the markers and in the background is the tree of the dead with hanging skeletons done by pumpkinbutt himself. we also had the green strobe going and the fog machine!


  1. That looks awesome! I wish I could carve like that!

  2. Awesome work on the pumpkin carving. I heard that the hike from the pumpkin patch back to the house was heavier than expected. Carrying those large perfect specimens made a certain man whine a little.
