Monday, October 01, 2012

sock skellie

yay! halloween is coming soon!  i thought i would share something that i made for pumpkinbutt last year (....maybe even the year before?) but never got around to posting it.  he is made from a pair of white crew socks, embroidery thread, and buttons. i first saw him on martha, however the 'how -to" has disappeared from her site .

he has a bit of a rib coming loose and i have had to tighten his grin a few times but has held up pretty well considering. pumkinbutt deems this guy as monarch of all his stuffed creatures and therefore he makes many appears.

he is also a sneaky candy snatcher!


  1. this is so cute! what a wonderful idea.

    <3 Melissa

  2. Soooooo cute!!! Nice little Skeleton!!!
