Thursday, October 18, 2012

3 spookerific halloween projects!

 I am really excited about this plain old empty 1 liter plastic bottle!  huh?  yes! really!  I have 3 super cute projects for halloween for big and little peoples to share and make!

Basic supplies needed for all of the projects are very few... many empty dry plastic 1 liter bottles, black and white spray paint, black permanent marker and scissors.

First up:
Halloween Treat Cauldrons

How-to: Use scissors to cut off lower portion of plastic bottle (save upper portion for next project). Apply black spray paint to cauldron and let dry. Once dry, use a hole punch to make one hole on each upper side of cauldron to thread a black pipe cleaner handle through.  Place halloween stickers on outside of cauldron if desired.  The stickers shown above were left over from some martha stewart party invites. Next, fill cauldron with little treats and trinkets.  To create a smoldering, steamy look I topped it off with a bit of fluffed up polyfil and a plastic spider.  Lastly, place the whole thing inside a treat sack. I made these last year for pumpkinbutt's class halloween party and they really liked them.

The next project is going to use the left over upper portion of the bottle to make a.....

Ghost Attack Parade! 

Start by cutting jagged edges of the ghosts lower regions with scissors.  Next apply white spray paint and let dry.  Lastly draw on spooky faces with a black permanent marker.  Pumpkinbutt created these creepies faces!

These ghosts can be hung with fishing line from the ceiling, the living room/shower curtains, plants/trees in the house or yard..... We like to stick them in surprising places around the house to "boo!" each other (freezer and medicine cabinet are great spots!) Because they are weather resistant the possibilities are really limitless! Another idea is to string white christmas lights in the top section or place battery powered tea lights under them for an eerie glow.

Last project:
Spooky Cute Spider!

 This guy requires a whole plastic bottle, spray painted black, with the top section cut away:

Next, cut away a section (about 1-2 inches wide) in the front and the back, leaving enough room at the top for the body and enough on the sides for cutting four legs on each side:

another image of the cut away section:

Next, cut the remaining length into four legs on each side and bend up and flat:

Then bend each leg at the "knee" and position legs how you like them:

 Lastly, hot glue eyes:

 I drilled a hole through the top of his head and strung a piece of black yarn so he could "hang" out. A whole nest of these would look super cool hanging low and menacing in a front entry. Or better yet, wait till a  victim is in the shower and toss a spider over the top rod! EEEK!!!!!

All of these projects would work well with smaller and larger bottles and grouped together. I am very tempted to make a bunch of 3 liter ghosts (with solar powered yard light stakes under them) and place them peeking out from tombstones in the front yard!

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