Sunday, October 14, 2012

cookie stuffed cookies

this is not my idea originally (i am unsure where i saw it...sorry!), but it is brilliant!   the original was with regular oreos on the inside and chocolate chip cookies on the outer. my very minimal contribution change was to make them for halloween with orange cream oreo cookies. i also used oatmeal chocolate chunk cookie mix for the outer cookie. 

the "recipe" is to glob prepackaged choco chip cookie mix around oreo cookies and bake as directed!
yum!  pumpkinbutt has plans on slathering his with chocolate icing and halloween sprinkles!


  1. Thanks for autograph in such an auspicious post. I had a glimpse of it and couldn??™t stop account till I finished. I acquire already bookmarked you.

  2. Well no problem Ms. Rinoplasti! i am such thank you for acquiring bookmark! I and hope you glimpse auspicious autograph account in future. However i must advice against using cookie stuffed cookies as a permanent substitute for a nose job.
