Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This year for Halloween we all went as lumberjacks!

Pumpkinbutt doing a skull and crossbones.... lumberjack style!

Why lumberjacks?  Good question... because I can not directly located a single immediate source. I, myself, have never been a lumberjack nor do I know any.  I have no desire to chop down trees. I don't live in a region that has a high lumberjack population or industry.  I feel it was truly a metamorphosis from subliminal inspiration starting with watching a lot of Roseanne.... particularly Halloween episodes, as seen below from season 3 when she dressed up as a lumberjack.

 I was additionally inspired by some super cool crafts I saw on the nets in the last few months. This lumber project made from pool noodles was so fun I wanted to use it for something.....My initial thought was an inside pretend campfire or using it for a fake Christmas fireplace....or lumberjack prop! Then I recollected other projects such as a  fake beard and a lady lumberjack shirt (which did not happen sadly). It all came together really easily and was super cheap. My costume set up was 3.00!  I borrowed the shirt from a friend; the jeans, boots,and hat I had on hand; made the beard from fleece scraps I had in the stash. The 3 bucks was buying an axe, pool noodle, and wood grain vinyl shelf liner from dollar tree.

I feel the whole lumberjack thing was a decision made else where and out of my control! Wonder what the planets have aligned for next year.