Thursday, January 17, 2013

Birthday Planning Season

 Pumpkinbutt's birthday is at the beginning of March.  Every year he gets a bang up huge affair (fireworks may be involved this year). Therefore I will not have the time for much posting for the next month and a half. If you happen to look back at my posting history you will likely see that Jan and Feb are always lite, and that is the reason why.  Last year I made a personal goal to post more and to beat my number of posts from 2007, being 43. I did 51 in 2012, so yay for me! Pumpkinbutt was my biggest supporter and encouraged me you can see why I always give him a huge birthday party because he is the best kid ever!

He and I made a new goal for 2013 to beat the 2005 number of posts being 66. So to keep up with this goal but keeping time restraints in mind, I have decided I will post a vintage image that I like, such as the birthday ones seen here, everyday until after his birthday (hmmmm... we'll see.). I will doubtfully make any comments on them...just eye candy.

I thought I would also put up a scan of some vintage candles I got at a thrift 10 years ago or so...for 15 cents.  We use one of them every year in our cakes.  We deem it the really lucky candle to be blown out first to insure maximum wish granting security. 

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