Monday, March 18, 2013

Nut Toasties

"The Cookie Book" by Culinary Arts Institute 1941"

"It's a clever cook who can turn bread into cookies, but it is simple enough when you know how."

Hey!  I want to be a clever cook! I read this statement in "The Cookie Book" booklet under an image of something that seemed to have coconut on it...I love coconut, and clever, and simple.  
The cookie is called Nut Toasties, however the term "cookie" is a bit misleading.  If by "cookie" they mean french toast sticks then yes, cookie it is.  Cookies for breakfast! I was so excited (doesn't take much if making cookies from bread does it for me) to try out this recipe.  I didn't make the french toast connection until about 3 cookies-dipped-into-egg-batter into it. I felt like I had just been hoodwinked. But I got over it because "Coconut French Toast Sticks" are a pretty cool twist and not too bad tasting. Also, I have to give the Culinary Arts Institute a break because I am sure they were starting to run a bit thin on ideas. Having to come up with 250 simple, new, exciting and clever ideas must be a challenge. I am surprised they didn't have sauerkraut snaps and cauliflower cookies.  The recipe is in the right bottom corner in the image below. It called for either nut meats or shredded coconut.

I can now claim cleverness and hope to be receiving some sort of certificate, ribbon or commemorative coin  from The Culinary Arts Institute in the mail any day now. 
And I have renamed these....(Coco)Nut (French)Toasties!
Extra credit for ramped up cleverness!

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