Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Goofy Golf Ft. Walton Beach

Made it over to the The Goofy Golf in Ft. Walton Beach, built in 1958!  

It is super awesome!  
(and cheap! $3 for Adults and $1.50 for kids)
Every October, for one day, to celebrate their anniversary ( 54 years thus far!) they go back to original pricing of $0.75 for adults and $0.50 for kiddos).
There are many challenging holes and homemade obstacles.

Fun concrete critters!

I LOVE outhouse themed goofy golf holes!  You have to golf your ball into to the toilet...it's a two seater!

I golfed my ball into the alligator's mouth and it got stuck somewhere inside.  The attendant, without saying anything, walked over with a bucket of water, gave the gator a big swig and out came my ball from the tail! The attendant then trotted away again without saying thing.  Clearly not his first gator ball rodeo!

View showing a totem pole, wishing well, snake, cacti, and elephant.

View showing the big green dino, an ape, a shark, a kangaroo and baby.  Also seen is the neat vintage walk-up business stand.  
Guess what they sell at the concessions!? Candy cigarettes! They also have these yummy tutti frutti  icee drinks for $0.50.

The final hole is this cutie snake!  You have to golf your ball into it's mouth...didn't happen this time.
 Maybe next!


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