Thursday, May 08, 2014

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

 This past week has been teacher appreciation at PB's school.  Each day I sent a different dessert/treat in for his teacher with a little note attached from PB.  The notes generally had a funny reference to what the dessert was such as with the No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies, the note said "More fiber than a No. 2 pencil!"
 For Friday, there is a teacher luncheon and parents were asked if they could send in a dessert.  So I took that advantage to bake something with coconut and made a Coconut Pineapple Cake.

To keep the saran wrap from sticking to the frosting I was going to just stick plain toothpicks all over the cake, but then I thought why not make them be functional and work with the theme!
I found an image of a vintage school teacher with a chalkboard on the nets.  I then used a White Out pen to write the note on the "chalkboard".  I also found images of old Pink Pearl erasers and printed all out on cardstock, hot glued to bamboo skewers and arranged in the cake.
I am sure happy with how it looks....just hope it tastes as great!
I just relized that the quote on the chalkboard may be a bit misleading... Kinda like "Let's eat Grandma!" no, "Let's eat, Grandma"....commas save lives.  For clarification, Cook is the name of the school.... not let's cook the teachers!
(You can find the images I used on my pinterest.)

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