Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Retro Art Show

I am pretty excited to share this!  I recently got accepted into a local art gallery show called "Retro".
I decided to make something that reflected some of my favorite stuff and ideals:
 vintage packaging, toys, housewifery, fun and cute.

I call the piece "Don't Act Your Age". 
 It is an adult sized package of play dishes reminiscent of old five and dime store offerings.
In preparation and research for the piece, I created a "Mint in Package" vintage toys pinterest board .

I don't generally work with paper and plastic (clay is my preferred media) so I certainly had some challenges pulling everything together.  I also have a general mantra of only using what I have on hand and if I don't have it then it better be cheap, from a thrift store and/or involve using a coupon.  So maybe I set myself up for frustrations when I can only work within those limitations (?). 

On to contruction: The primary part is made from a large piece of cardboard (free from Lowes).  The grey gingham print is wrapping paper (cheap from Target).  I thought it would work best since I needed a large piece of decorative paper. Also gingham is very "tablecloth" looking which works because of it being a dish set.  It was horrible to work with (crinkling and tearing).  If there was ever to be a 'next time', I would use fabric.  I got the plain white plastic plates at a thrift store.  They were part of a cheap crappy picnic set but the right style for what I was wanting to portray. I added the cute kitty cat images and grey and black polka dots made from paper.  

The letters/words were done by typing them up on my computer and printing them on a laser copier for best quality.  I then individually cut them out with an exacto blade. I am sure a more technically advanced person could have found an easier way.  I then glued them down using Xyron sticker maker stuff (used a coupon). I covered the package with clear vinyl (another coupon).

I found the image of the kitties on the nets:

I had an issue figuring out how to hang it,  but worked something out using a large wood paint stirring stick, wire, and nylon plastic screws and nuts.  They are all concealed under the top flap. 
 I am pretty pleased with the entire outcome of the piece.  I had never entered a show at this particular gallery so that was another exciting part as well.  It is housed in the original courthouse (non-functioning) of my town dating back to the early 1900's.  

Miscellaneous Additional Tidbits: 
At the show opening, Hubs and I dressed the "Retro" part by wearing vintage attire.  

I found this adorable mid century chair in the lobby area of the gallery and had to have my picture (several) taken with it!


  1. Here is the site I found the kitty images at!


  2. Love this so much !!!!!!
    It's so YOU !!
    Glad to find you om pinterest and wish you would Insta !!!!
    Much love !!!

  3. PS...that person that is pinning all your stuff today..is me.#maryfangrrl
