Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Narwhal Friend

For the past 5 years I have always handmade PB at least one gift for christmas. He really looks forward to it and it has become something special between us. As I preparing for this post I was going to put links to past gifts.  Then I realized that I have never really posted them.  Odd....So, I have decided to play catch up!

This year I made him something near and dear to his heart:

He asked for this Narwhal shirt as part of his new school clothes this year.  He would wear it every day if he could.

So for his special gift this year I made him his own narwhal!
The fabrics I choose are special too.  The main grey striped fabric is from one of PB's favorite t-shirts he outgrew a few years ago.  If you look you will see all the fabric dingleberries on it from being worn and washed so many times.  The black and white fabric I used for the 'horn' and belly are from another of his outgrown t-shirts as well.  We tend to be sentimental over most of his shirts and save them for reuse (as seen here).  

Because I am a thrifty gal I looked all over the nets for a free narwhal pattern to no avail.  But!  I did find a free and cute pattern of a whale at Wear the Ducky Tie.  I just made a 'horn' up myself and added it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for trying the pattern and the link back! Such a good idea to turn old favorite shirts into a stuffed animal. All those little details you added are awesome. Your lucky son!
