Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Apron Exhibit Preshow

This is big, people.
 I must be kicking off soon because my bucket list has been getting immensely lighter in the past few months.

Here it is!
I am going to be the featured apron collector in conjunction with a nationally touring Apron Exhibit!
My stuff is not touring nationally, I am the local spotlight. I wouldn't be comfortable with my things being 5 states away.

The other amazing thing is that I was allowed to curate all of my displays.  I added a lot of my own personal vintage items that related to aprons and housewifery such as apron sewing patterns, cook booklets and cookie cutters, to name just a few.

I am also heavily participating with curating the traveling apron exhibit as well.  I helped pick out vintage imagery to use on the walls, designed paper dolls for the children's museum, chose additional learning material/activities for the children's museum and the regular museum, and had say so with the arrangement of the entire show.

This is all something that I have been working on sporadically for the past several months, but consuming a huge amount of time over the last and this upcoming month.  For the past month and a half there have been two cases (shown here) that I designed and are a 'pre-show'.  I have done another five cases during the month of October which are in the main exhibit room awaiting the opening, which is next week.  These two cases are being moved over there this week.

 This is my 'collector's statement'.  
I will transcribe the text to it in another post for anyone interested in reading it.

Here I am...with myself!

Lastly, the third awesome thing about being a part of this exhibit is that it's being housed in my most favorite museum.  I have posted several times over the past years about other exhibits that were held there:

Atomic Age Stuff
Cute Tin Toys
More Tin Toys
Doll Houses

Once the show is up in entirely I will be putting up scads of images and posts about it.
It's going to be a major apron hullabaloo!