Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Crafty Wares Selling Suitcase

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am currently working on some major "tiding" around my house, along with many DIY house improvements.  As I have been going through things I have come across tons of stuff that I have never posted about.  I think I made this "Crafty Wares Selling Suitcase" 5 years ago.  Above is the exterior, portable and compact!

Then when it's opened and sat on end, it's a mini pop up shop!

Then center has a swinging double sided display area.

I never posted much about making these accessories.  I made the necklaces with the movie pendants from shrinky dinks. Some others can be seen here: Plan 9 night.

Handbags with vintage sci-fi movie posters made from iron-on material.  I put up a small post about another similar bag back in 2007.

Hair doo dads and barrettes.  I also made some stuff for the fellas like lapel pins with movie monster images but their not visible in the photos.

I originally made this pop up shop to sell stuff when Mr. Husband Sir is co-hosting any live events in conjunction with his horror host show.
Here are some photos of the suitcase "In Action".   PB made some crafty hand drawn monster patches (circa 2012) to make himself some extra money, they sold really well!

Here is a 2012 photo of the table set up.  I haven't used the suitcase or tried to sell anything for the past several years.  I really should start doing it again so I can at least get rid of the stock I have.  I think there are several items in the mix dating back to 2007.  If I hold out a few more years I can sell them as "vintage"! HA!

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