Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cave City Drive Thru

After we visited Big Mike's Mystery House we did a drive through of several of our favorite sites in Cave City, KY.
The big concrete roosters are from 
Coffey's Concrete Products
414 E Happy Valley St.

I also had to take a spin by Haunted Hotel and make sure it was still standing.

Said hello to the precious Wigwams.

Found this wigwam building off of the side of the road (no where near the Wigwam Village Motel) all by it's lonesome with no explanation or sign.

Near the lonely Wigwam was a closed down mini golf, TW's Redneck Golf.  By the looks of it I don't think it's been open for quite some time. Or maybe looking rundown is it's "redneck" appeal?

Fun photo of Mr. Husband Sir hanging out with Bigfoot courtesy of Coffey's Concrete.

We went by The Watermill Restaurant and ate down on a couple of plates of Manhattans for lunch.  Then checked out a few souvenir shops before getting back on the road heading home.

Our Kentucky Fried Vacation was great on the whole.  Only I could have done without the Paris creepy shack and that 500 dollar traffic ticket we got in Tennessee.
The next time we are in Tennessee we will get our 500 bucks worth back in some way.  We'll be coming home with a bronze statue of Elvis from a public park or something! 

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