Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Honky Tonk Girl

For Halloween this year I was my female idol

It came about after I bought this 1970's dress for 50 cents at a church rummage sale last November.  It reminded me of the type of dress Loretta wore while performing during that time period.

I noticed she does a lot of tree leaning for photos....

and looking off in the distance, so I did the same!

I also decorated our 2 string acoustic guitar into hers.

I made the decorative guitar piece from a scrap of black paper and painted the design with acrylic paint.  The letters are stickers I have had forever.

We took these photos earlier in the day before going to a Halloween function.  I then realized I really didn't want to be touting the bulky guitar around town.  But I needed a prop or I would just look like a 1973 bridesmaid wedding extra.
Then inspiration hit me!

Loretta was the spokes person for Crisco during part of the 70's through the 80's.
So I quickly made a crisco container and it could also double as my purse!

The container is actually for Oscar Mayer Lard from the 50's but I turned the container around, slapped some vinyl sticker letters on it and cut the pie image from one of my many Jiffy Pie crust boxes, which I double sided taped it on the bucket.

I thought I had it nailed.  When I got to the event, I asked my friend if she knew who I was.  She says after a long pause...."Betty Crocker?"

Yep! Betty Loretta Lynn Crocker!

Bonus Loretta Treat!:
Loretta Lynn In Concert!


  1. I think you look smashing, Mary! I love Loretta Lynn, too!

  2. Thanks Jenn! I have been growing my hair out for 6 months but it still was not as long or big as Loretta's!
