Friday, November 30, 2018

Punk Rock Flea Market

Fun stuff! 
During October, I was a vendor at our town's annual Punk Rock Flea Market.  The market focuses on alternative DIY and vintage kinds of stuff.  This was my first go at being a vendor ever and I had so much fun!  I saved back a bunch of vintage stuff when I was doing my Kon-Mari-ing in hopes of vending at this sale.  I went in with 5 storage totes of items and left with 2.

Here are a few images of some of the stuff I was selling:

PBR ornaments circa 2005.

I also had another table full of stuff, another side to my area, and stuff hanging from the rafters not seen in these photos. 
I called my space "5&10" since most of my stuff was either 5 or 10 bucks (or less!)
It was perfect weather and all of the other vendors were really nice.

This sale was a really good avenue for getting rid of my more interesting stuff.  We had a massive yard sale last November with all of my non-joy sparking items that I was ok with letting go of for quarters.  At this sale I had the neat vintage stuff and some old handcrafted jewelry/tote bags.  It also put me in the position to finally follow through with a crafty DIY idea I had been saying I was going to do for the past several years: make Christmas wreaths out of all the random vintage ornaments I have been picking up over the years.  I made 8 wreaths and sold all of them!  When December rolls up I am going to be posting what each of the wreaths looked like (sneak peek in the top photo here).

There are several other big cities in the country that run these Punk Rock Flea Markets as well.  I heard Birmingham, Al has one every month!  I highly recommend checking one out if they are in your area.

I think I typed the word 'stuff' about 20 times, but this post is about


  1. That is awesome! You had some great stuff (ha!) that I wouldn't mind having :) Wish I was closer!

  2. My plan was to sell off this stuff and be done with it ...but I had so much fun I have now been kinda picking up stuff here and there with the intention of selling. I figured I could use a few storage bins to corral these things together until I have a decent stash again. Maybe by next years Punk Rock Flea Market!
