Wednesday, November 21, 2018


The MST3K movie 'Squirm' is a fam favorite around our abode.  It's the story of Antique Boy, Scrawny, and Patch Ass as they try to survive an overnight attack of man eating worms and the wormified Roger.....pronounced in a heavy southern dialect :"Raaahhhhgahhhh" .

So, so, so, many great little bits that I just had to run us a 'Squirm' themed shindig!  
And even more terror-riffic is it's for Turkey Day!

For decor I made a table centerpiece consisting of prints of movie posters, worms,...

a mini paper "Willie's Bait" truck, worms....

...a southern plantation home with a toppled over "tree" on it, Spanish moss, worms, and little tea lights...since the lights went out in Georgia during the worm attack! 

I put the centerpiece on a tray so it could be moved between the dining room and living room. 
We first had it in in the living room while watching the movie then it switched over to the dining room table as we enjoyed a Squirm themed dinner!

Slither on over for the meal in the next post!

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