Monday, January 28, 2019

Black Skillet Fried Egg Magnet

I love little grandama crafts like this magnet made from scrap resembling a fried egg in a skillet.  I kind of made it up as I went along and just used stuff I already had on hand.
Here is the How-To:  Start by bending a small bit of wire into a handle.  Glue it down inside a metal bottle cap with E6000 and let dry.  Trace a nickel sized circle of black paper and cut out.  Place a small ball of styrofoam (out of a bag of "snow") on the sharp end of a pin.  Dip the ball into acrylic yellow paint.  Set aside to dry. Glue the circle of black paper into the bottom of the skillet.  Paint the entire skillet, including the paper, with black nail polish, let dry.  Glue magnet to bottom of skillet with E6000, let dry.  Squeeze white puffy paint onto bottom of skillet in the shape of the egg white, let dry slightly.  Remove the dried "yolk" from the pin and give it a squeeze between your thumb and forefinger to flatten it a touch.  Next place the yolk in the egg white while it is still a bit tacky and can thus glue the yolk to it. Let egg white dry completely.

Now place on fridge!

I like the simplicity of just the fried egg but you could make some bacon out of a tiny bit of crinkled brown paper striped with red paint as a little side!

For another mini food craft magnet check out the Jiffy Pop magnets I made last year.