Monday, January 14, 2019

Disney Hollywood Studios

We just got back from a trip to Disney World!  There were still Christmas decorations which helped to extend the holiday festivities and merriment!

Check out all of these super cute larger than life vintage replica ceramic cuties!

Here is an image I found that the above girls were based after:

I've never gotten into collecting these kinda Christmas dust gathers, mostly because I never come across any in the "wild".  I also don't care much for the little girls...but Santa, snowmen, reindeer, pixies, and other critters are welcome to take a load off at my place!

And speaking of critters!  Squee!
 These poodles were my favorite!

We also swung by the Grauman's Chinese Theater to see
Pee-wee's imprints.

Here's a few past Pee-wee posts:
It's Pee-wee's Birthday!
It's a Pee-wee Partypalooza!
Large Marge Sent me!
I pity the fool!

And also had to get my picture with Dick Van Dyke's!!!

More DVD for your viewing pleasure!
Dick Van Dyke Birthday me!
Dick Van Dyke's 90th Birthday

and Mary Poppins!
Our Chimney Sweeps Costumes 2015
Lets Go Fly Kite!
Mary Poppins Board Game

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