Sunday, February 17, 2019

Kaymar Little Dikkens

Mr. Husband Sir super surprised me by giving me this vintage Kaymar winking devil kneehugger named Dikkens for Valentine's day this year! 
He has been on my wish list for a long time, always in a price range I couldn't bring myself to paying.
Mr. Husband found him on ebay and while he did pay a pretty penny (45 bucks) for him, it wasn't as much as some are going for (200 bucks).
I always start jonesing for one of these cuties around Valentine's Day, since he would be perfect for the decor.  

I had been window shopping some of these guys on ebay earlier this week, but hadn't even mentioned it Mr. Husband.  And lo and behold, here came this little guy!  Mr. Husband always out does me in the gift giving department. He also got me a book I am always checking out of the library and a box of cold brew coffee.  I always see Valentine's day as simple little gifts and edibles, which means the coffee should have been the highlight but nope! Poor Mr. Husband Sir just got some protein bars and beef jerky....and of course, he has me, ha!

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