Tuesday, April 09, 2019

1960's Children Patterns

Butterick 3023

Here are the 1960's patterns I have for children.  Most are for little girls of which I do not have one.
But some of these patterns are just too cute and are mine for gazing at.
My favorite is "The Skimmy".  The font is fun and the illustrations are adorable.  The little girl on the left looks like my mom when she was little.

Simplicity 5603 (1964)

Cute little artist girls in smocks!

Simplicity 5477(1964)

Cute cloaked gals!

Simplicity 5202

I love this look.  It reminds me of dresses my mom made for me when I was little.

Simplicity 5854 (1964)
I bought this pattern from an antique mall (only 1 buck) with the intentions of making PB that shorts and suit jacket look, but he was more of a t-shirt  kinda kid.  Not one looking to go on a job interview while in kindergarten.

Simplicity 6468 (1966)
 This one also reminds me of clothes my mom made for me.  Such a cute classic style.

Simplicity 8301 (1969)

Oh gosh, so cute.  

I hang on to these patterns (especially) the last one, to make as baby shower gifts.  I also want to make them for my (w-a-y!!) future grandchildren.

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