Thursday, May 16, 2019

Banana Oatmeal Cookies with Banana Butter Frosting

Here is something you all can munch on while I am still in the midst of squeezing in as much yard work I can handle in this heat (along with all the regular housework, errand running, house projects, and of course the most important: hitting up thrift stores and estate sales!).  Speaking of estate sales, I picked up this super cute Chiquita Banana Recipe Book(let) recently and threw a couple of the recipes together, with some add-ins of my own, to make the best cookies I have ever had!

 Is it obscene that she has no shirt on even if she has nothing to flaunt?
Well, either way, Chiquita is really rocking her flat banana chest!

Banana Oatmeal Cookies are good....but Banana Oatmeal Cookies with Banana Butter Frosting are even better!

And then, if you top the cookies with shredded coconut and/or chopped nuts, that's when you try to shove as many of these noms into your mouth while resembling an overstuffed cheeked chipmunk!
They are sooooo good!
Additional note about frosting recipe: I added about 4 drops of yellow food coloring as to increase their banana hue and to have a bit of a color contrast against the coconut topping.

In the back of the booklet there is a section with banana boasting propaganda:

OLD FOLKS!  That cracks me up.

Well I'm off to contend with the weeds again.  I have been clearing out areas of our yard that none of us have ever stepped foot into since we moved in 8 years ago (they were weeded up even then!) .
I'll be back around here eventually once I either finish up the forsaken jungle hell or need something to do while recuperating from heat stroke.


  1. Those sound interesting, Mary. I have a recipe for banana cookies that you put peanut butter chips in. So good! Try not to overdo it in the heat!

  2. Peanut butter chips aye? That sounds delish!
