Thursday, June 27, 2019

Din-o-mite Dinosaur Planters

A few months back while I was leaving out of Target I happened to see these ceramic dinosaur planters in the, I think it may be called Bullseye's Playground now, but it was the Dollar Spot.   It's usually full of junky junk that is going to wind up at Dirt Cheap in a few months for a quarter.
 They were five bucks each and the cheap skate in me never likes spending full price, even if it's fairly low to begin with.  I was only going to get two of them but Mr. Husband Sir said "You are getting the set, I am not going to listen to you whine about not having the other two for the next ten years."  And I would too.
These guys are pretty awesome, being adorable and having a drain hole!
Well...they weren't all that adorable before I got on them with a couple of cans of spray paint.
These are the "after".

And here is the before:

The T-Rex was the only one in a palatable shade (the brontosaurus is ok).   I thought about painting the other three each a different (decent) solid shade but that would have meant buying 3 cans of spray paint.  And you have to buy the good stuff to cover up those hideous colors well.  That was going to get expensive so I decided to paint them all the same and only having to buy one can of good paint and then accent spritzing them from a can of cheap stuff I had in the shed.
They are small planters but perfect for starting cuttings in.

I feel bad that I didn't get this post up in time for others to buy these but they sold out of them really fast in the store and online. I was looking on ebay and people are trying to sell them for 40 bucks each, and that doesn't include shipping.
They will eventually turn up in a thrift store...every thing does.
In the mean time file this idea away for the future.
Or check Dirt Cheap!  A few may have found their way there!


  1. Those are so darn cute, Mary! Your afters are a million times better than the before! I never would have thought to spray paint them and just left them there! lol!

  2. Thanks Jenn! Glad you liked my improvement! Can you believe how much people are asking for these things on ebay?! I probably killed mines resell value by painting them! ha!

