Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mirror, Mirror

Day 4 of Beauty Week on MHICty!
I picked up this vintage plastic hand mirror at an estate sale. I loved the pattern in the plastic, kinda like Formica cracked ice!

Here is a hairstyle from last summer where I left my hair long. I was in the process of growing my hair out for my Halloween costume that year and typically I have read that vintage hair styles do and look best when your hair is no longer than your collar bone.  Mine has about boob length at this point and I still had 3 more months I grew it out.

Last summer when I was working on learning vintage hair I spent a lot of time (hours every day!) trying to pull a style out of my curls.  I started to realize the styles I was trying to reproduce were on movie stars that had professional stylists at their call.  What did every day people back then do?  They had more simple styles and they didn't spend hours each day on their hair.
I now only spend between 30-45 minutes fixing my hair and make-up because I live in a real world and have shit to do other than my hair!  I just go more simple with it.  I brush out my set in the morning mostly directing it under, maybe sectioning a few parts into curls, and fluffing it up in areas where the curls are too dense and then doing something with the bangs.  At night I re-roll chucks in curlers to help keep the curl from drooping, cover my head in a hair net and a handkerchief.  If I am lucky I can keep a set going for almost a week.


  1. Monica's main complaint about her hair in the morning is when her bangs turn the wrong way! (Rob)

  2. When I had bangs I had problems with them too!
