Thursday, September 19, 2019

Estate Sale Scores

Here are some great finds Mr. Husband and I scrounged from a few estate sales and the flea market recently.
99 % of these things came from one sale.  It was listed as an indoor yard sale, no pictures, no hint of anything old or neat in the wording, but it was on my radar because everything was advertised as costing between 25¢ up to a dollar. I love cheap! It was the last stop of our Saturday morning saling trek, which had to that point been fruitless.  When we entered I could smell that old hoarded kinda aroma to the house but it wasn't piled up.  The first thing we found was this little vintage Florida water globe but not too much else.  I then noticed the garage and it was full of bags and boxes...and major evidence of rodents.  Mice in their "natural habitat" freak me the flip out.  I know that sheds and garages are the best places to find awesome stuff (if you are into junk like I am into)  but I will (and have) go screaming and running if I encounter one of these nasty beasts.  I figured since I had Mr. Husband with me I had back-up...only he is afraid of roaches...

So here are the things we found in the trenches:

Mr. Husband is a good scrounger and he found this cute old packaging of steel wool.  I love the "elephant" font and the elephant graphic!

Got the mother load of fruit/veggie magnets!

Some cookbooklets...never can have too many!

Love these!  Paper placemats!

Two queen sized flat sheets.  I like to use them for fabric for making clothes or mock ups.

Vintage RIT boxes.

Mr. Husband and I were the only ones scrounging in the garage and had a blast.  We never came in contact with any undesirables but made sure we didn't go digging in boxes that were clearly nothing but mouse nests.  We also found the 'end all to end all' of estate sale items at this sale however I have to save that for later.  Our total for everything above was 5 bucks.

The next day we decided to check out the flea market which usually doesn't turn up much.  But we did come across a big stack of 1944-1957 Better Homes and Gardens mags for only a buck each, we got 10.

And then, tacking this onto the end was an estate sale we went to the weekend before where we bought this amazing lampshade with finial (pictured in my house)!  It was attached to the world's ugliest lamp...which I'll have to photo another time.  I kinda have plans on making it a new lampshade worthy of it's hideousness.  When I asked how much it was, the guy retorted with "how much do you think?"  I didn't give an answer because I couldn't read if he thought it was a high dollar item....or a piece of junk. We looked around some more and asked him again which he said "how about 15 bucks?"  While that is high on my garage sale's certainly not when it comes to mid century lampshades!

But to round it all out he threw this in for no extra cost!

Recent posts have become a bit heavy in the estate/thrift score area but I'm sure I'll have some baked good or treat edging it's way in the near future again.

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