Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dusings Glaze

The next few posts will be showing some of the fun little things we picked up at a couple of antique shops while in Berea, KY.

Mr. Husband spotted this Dusings home and auto Glaze....Contains Miracle DR-26!
New!  Amazing!

I am not real sure how this product can improve my life or what it does.

The back says it has 1000 uses...preserves, protects, cleans, glazes, retards tarnish.
Guaranteed scratch-proof, use with complete cofidence.  Miracle DR-26 dissolves tarnish, smudge, grease, etc. leaving glass-like surface of silicone.  A breeze to apply, a must in every home and garage.  Glaze lasts indefinitely.

Here are a few uses for DUSINGS:
Washing Machines
Wall Tile                                                                                         
Waffle Irons                                                                                            
All Chrome
Venetian Blinds
T.V. Picture Tube
All enameled surfaces
All porcelain surfaces
Enameled Cabinets
Stainless Steel
Aluminum Windows
 Coffee Makers

Directions for Home: 
Wet applicator or cloth, remove excess water.  Shake contents.  Apply to applicator.  Thoroughly cover item to be cleaned, then wipe with a soft, dry cloth, preferably a turkish toweling.  May be removed when wet or dry.

Directions for Auto use:
Wash car.  Wet applicator or cloth, remove excess water.  Shake contents, apply to applicator.  Cover surface thoroughly, wipe with dry cloth, preferably turkish toweling.  Remove wet or dry.  Finish panel before starting another.  Never apply in the sun or hot surface.  If car is badly oxidized merely apply second coat or pre-clean.

This gives me the impression it is like a car wax, giving a shine or gleam to the applied surface, but this "lasting indefinitely" seems to be pretty strong words of promise.

There's still some product in the container...I am tempted to try it out on something that could use a glaze but not be a big deal if it gets icked up with 70 year old goo.

I really bought it to just display the container on top of the fridge, so it will improve my life as decor!

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