Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Satin Satans

Darling Devils!  Infatuated Imps!

For the first of my "Valoween" DIYs, a friend of mine and I got together and we crafted up these cutie Valoween devils.  We have been wanting to experiment with making satin ball critters (similar to this) and tried out these guys first.   Neither of us have ever seen devil versions so we had to make it all up!  My friend's devil is seen above.  She gave hers a goatee, buttons, and black horns.
He's a happy little guy, whose favorite past times include doing that "honk, honk" arm motion to 18 wheelers on icy freeways, rubbing ghost peppers inside tanning beds, and eating Underwood deviled ham on ice cream sandwiches.

With mine I gave him a big bow for his cloak, red horns, and crossed legs.
This little dumpling spends his free time composing quips such as " Whatever singes your saddlebags" and "Do I look like I give a fiery flip?"  He also enjoys setting off fire alarms and eating Drake's devil dogs doused in sriracha.

Each of them have pipe cleaner pitchforks, a felt cloak, and we made them some little booties out of black felt.
Since their bodies are so bulbous we mounted them onto little rounds of wood, perfect for shelf sitting.
Their construction is fairly straight forward; they are just satin balls, pipe cleaners, and felt glued together.  The most difficult part is making their little faces.  She and I really toiled over picking out the features.  They are made from black card stock paper cut out using an exact-o knife, which we then glued on using a toothpick for delicate placement.

They may appear to be friendly little fiends, overindulging on chocolate covered deviled eggs and Tabasco Twinkles.  But, these two bulging Beelzebubs are hell bent on crushing cupid out of his romance racket!
Pitch Forks are much more efficient at impaling lover's hearts than those silly bow and arrows!

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