Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Home Kinks

These two with their Home Kinks...I really admire their peculiar and exploratory ways.  Must make having to stay home a real pleasurable experience.  Think of all the things you can hammer or nail or use wood for.  Ideas abound when your kinky.  I mean, when you can come up with "clever or unusual ways of doing something"...like fixing the fence! Geez...gutter heads! "Home Kinks" does sounds like an amateur porn magazine to boost marriage relationships for the senior crowd though.

But speaking of gutters....
Right before stay at home orders had been put into place, I had already planned a 2 month home focus on getting some stuff taken care of around the house and yard while trying to make good use of the minimal decent weather we have in our region.  Once I heard that we were going to have to be home for quite some time, I made a list of all the projects that I had the supplies on hand or the muscle to take care of.  Since I don't have the treat of going to thrift stores or estate sales anymore, I have been really focused on my projects list.

I am pretty impressed with how much I have gotten done, along with help from Mr. Husband.
Once businesses (thrift stores) started shutting down I prioritized the list to tackle a couple of the projects that may involve donating items. The first task was we pulled everything out of the shed and went through, tossed, donated, and then cleaned it.  The next area was the travel trailer.  I have a vintage 1964 Airstream that I have been using for years as a really awesome storage unit (it's not roadworthy or systems working).  It really needed to be cleaned out and organized.  I typically use it to store items I have for sale or big crafty endeavor supplies.  So I pulled everything out (and it was a ton of stuff) cleaned the interior, sorted, organized and got rid of a lot of junk.  I was able to donate stuff to goodwill, they were the only place still taking donations in a limited way.  They basically had a few of those huge gaylord cardboard boxes out in front of the building and you put your stuff in them, so there was no contact with employees.  We also had our annual city wide clean up day around this time where you can have large junk and debris picked up for free so we took advantage of that too.

Other projects finished so far:  Cleaning out the gutters.  Washing the exterior of the house, trailer, and shed.  Painting the shed.  Painting the front steps.  Repotting some of my plants. Washing, waxing, amour-alling, cleaning the upholstery of my car.  Ever ongoing yard work and house work.   Decorating for two birthdays, two holidays, and then putting everything back.  Along with a lot of small random projects that I had been putting off.

I still have several more projects I want to tackle so I am going to be tending to those next.  The weather is about to be too hot for yard work so I will have to wrap that up and take what I can get from it.  I also have a few indoor projects to then work on.  One being a huge one: cleaning out and "decorating" the laundry room.  I am also going to do some paint touch ups and deep cleanings on the exterior and interior of the house.  Then I have about 50 posts in draft form for MhiCTy to take care of...so I'm set for projects and activities for quite some time.  I'll start working on posting those in the near future.

Well I'm off to screw....down the deck boards that have popped loose!


  1. Ha Ha! Funny post. Monica has been involved in some projects since she is at home. I'm still going to work every day so I haven't gotten too deeply invested in anything yet though I know I should! (Rob)

  2. Rob~
    Mr. Husband is still going to work as well during the week...I just have him help me on the weekends, and boy, does he love that! Ha!
    Usually I do all of the lower labor stuff during the week and then supervise the manly muscle stuff I need him to help me with on the weekend.

