Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole...part of our white trash heritage.
I had never made a Tuna Casserole before.  I figured I could go my whole life without ever having to do so.  Lord knows I had to eat enough of the nasty stuff growing up, as did Mr. Husband.  However he has this weird thing where he "every now and again" gets a hankering for something gross from his childhood, such as a fried bologna sandwich.  After he has the horrific delicacy he says he is good for another 20 years.  Since I was trying to come up with meals from our food stash I noticed we had a crap ton of canned tuna.  Normally we just eat it straight up as a quick lunch but I thought it could be fun to surprise Mr. Husband with one of his comfort meals.

I searched for recipes online and most of them involve a can of creamed soup...of course.  I don't ever have that on hand so I searched for a more 'refined' recipe.  Thank you Martha Stewart!  Hers has a base of WHITE SAUCE!

As I mentioned before I made this dish as a surprise for Mr. Husband.  I figured he would guess what I was doing by the fetid aroma but he has absolutely no sense of smell, so my secret stayed safe.  I was in a giddy mood while making this and was singing "I'm picking out a thermos for you!" ala Steve Martin in The Jerk, as my way of saying I was making him a "gift".
When we sat down to eat he still couldn't figure out what I had made.  When I told him, he said "....oh..." so I guess he was just kidding about his tuna casserole desire...  Oh well!  It's dinner for the next two nights.  I was able to choke it down with an abundance of lemon pepper seasoning.


  1. When I was growing up, my mom would make a casserole with noodles, Velveeta cheese, and cubed Spam. It was horrid! Tuna casserole is a very close second, though we didn't eat it as often. You are much braver than I (and probably a better wife!), because I wouldn't have made it. lol! Thankfully, DH doesn't like tuna.

  2. Noodles, velveeta, and spam.... That is a concoction! Your yearly dose of sodium in just one meal!

    I like tuna salad, but hot tuna is just not my thing.

    I don't think it will be something Mr. Husband asks for again. I mean, I made it correctly, but it was more of a memory thing for him. That's what he gets for voicing his hankerings. Spam is another one for him. Maybe I'll make him your mom's dish!


  3. My mom used to make tuna casserole sometimes when I was a kid. No spam was involved but there was definitely macaroni and tuna and cheese and I liked it! (Rob)

  4. Rob~
    Your mom's is a combo of mine and Jennilee's! Very interesting! Was it velveeta that was used for the cheese?

