Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Barber Pole Franks

It's National Hot Dog Day!
Celebrate with this "New recipe for happy summer meals!"

"New twist on good old hot dogs!  Turn them into gay gold "Barber-poles" with French's new recipe!"

"More fun than a circus for kids and grown-ups --and so easy for you!"

It's just hot dogs filled with mustard with a twist of biscuit dough baked on them.
French's Mustard must think we never get out of the house and are easily amused...oh, wait.  We don't get out of the house and are easily amused!
Yay! It's a circus of hot dog poles!

On a practical note, I say this is how you problem solve that issue with there never being enough buns for your pack of hot dogs.


  1. My mom, and now I, do something similar. Instead of mustard, we fill the split with American cheese (you know, good old "plastic" cheese! lol!) cut into strips (about 2-3 strips per dog), then roll up in a crescent roll dough crescent. Bake per crescent roll directions. Delicious!

  2. Since the ad was for yellow mustard I felt "obligated" to go with that but really I wanted to use sliced cheese!
