Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Chips 'n Chicken Bake

This dish looks just about as good as it tasted!
not too good. 
I have been making a lot of casseroles over the last few months.  They all involve using a white sauce or something pretending to be a white sauce.  This could be a combination of several things:  Chicken broth, skim milk, small amount flour, FF greek yogurt, or FF cottage cheese.  It just depends on what I have on hand (always using calorie cutting subs).
Sometimes for these meals I have been just perusing my cook books for serving suggestions.  Basically making the recipe up by what the photo looks like, taking a few hints from the recipe name.  No need to even look at the ingredient list!

 So, this dish is called Chicken N' Chips Bake:
{Better Homes and Gardens Casserole Cook book 1961}

I slightly saw it had a cup of mayo and that translated to me as "white sauce".
So the dish is basically a white sauce with chicken and potato chips.  I thought that sounded a bit weak for a dinner so I made a layer of mashed potatoes on the bottom.  I also added some peas, onion, and red bell pepper.  

This was the most bland, mediocre, denture-wearing-crowd meal I have ever made.  It would test well in nursing homes and Shoney's restaurants, which are pretty much one in the same.

It was just mush layered mush.  The potato chips became soggy from the waist down along with the tops taking on the qualities of wilted lettuce.

Recipe Rescue:  The recipe invention I made is more of a side dish, like mashed potatoes and gravy.  I would serve it as such and crumble potato chips on top right before serving.
Another option is to follow the original recipe, but baking a whole cup of mayo sounds like a bad idea to me.  Also that is a shit ton of calories.  When I use my "treat yo self" points/calories, it's not going to be on hot mayo...unless it's baked in a cake!


  1. That is certainly an interesting concoction! And I'm talking about the original. I don't think I would even try it, so kudos to you! Baked mayo has a unique texture and flavor. Almost like melted cream cheese. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the potato chips. lol!

  2. Melted cream cheese!!! Yum! I have been missing out all these years! I will have to talk myself into heating up some mayo.


  3. If you ever want to indulge, here's a great, easy recipe. I don't even want to know how many calories are in it. Make a grilled cheese, subbing slices of cream cheese, 1/4" thick for regular cheese. Oh my gosh! Super tasty!
