Friday, August 28, 2020

Let's not be dicks, shall we?!

"Let's not be dicks, shall we?!"
This is one of my mottoes in life.
  I am just hopping on here between all the prescheduled buffet of food posts I have written previously to give a public service announcement.

I can only assume that 2020 is debauching the brains of humans.  I know for myself that I have been lacking any episodes of joy for several months, I only have constant anxiety.  In our household we are doing our best to still live by a 'safer at home'  approach.  This means we basically only go out for essentials and work.  However I have noticed that over the last month when we do have to venture out into the public sphere it has become rampant with dicks.  Dicks not wearing masks, dicks not giving people space, dicks just saying dickish things to strangers who weren't being dicks.

I have even experienced this self serving dick behavior among people I know.  People that are close friends, blatantly trying to put us in unsafe situations even after we say upfront we are not comfortable with it.  Because we want to keep 6 feet distance and wear a mask they act like we are ostracizing them.  They take it personal, which just goes back to their unchecked selfishness.

I don't write too many posts that are on a seriously level, such as this.  That's not the purpose of this blog.  MHICTY serves as a happy place for me and I hope others find some entertainment in it as well.  I try to keep things snarky, comical but always positive even during the darkest of times for myself and the world.

Two mantras I live by are:
"There are people who would love to have your bad days."
"Be Kind.  For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

We are all under vast amounts of pressure, sadness, and overwhelmed with hopelessness.  At this moment there isn't a clear light at the end of the tunnel.  We are all on our own.  The only things that can help are commonsense and showing kindness and decency to our fellows.
So, let's not be dicks, shall we?


  1. Thank you. I know this is not your usual style but needed to be said.

  2. New York is doing well with cases but we are still staying home besides going to work and an occasional estate sale. We do not go over my sisters or even my dads without sitting far away outside with a mask! Sorry, this virus is serious and people are just not taking it seriously. Thanks for venting!

  3. Amen! I know someone who is livid with the governor of our state because he imposed a lockdown (months ago...we are out of it now) and only essential businesses could be open. This was done for our safety! How can you be mad? And to top it off her husband is auto immune compromised and yet she drags him all over the place. But it's okay, because she uses hand sanitizer. ugh! And don't even get me started on my in laws!

  4. I truly appreciate knowing I am not alone on this. Thank you guys for your comments.

    This is a situation that you want to err on the side of caution. The rules as they are understood right now are simple: Wear a mask. Keep 6 feet distance. Limit indoor exposure around people not of your household. WASH your hands. And my own is just stay home as much as possible. This virus still has a lot of unknowns so why take chances?!
