Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Marshmallow Butterscotch Snowcap Cookies

Check out these yums!  They're loaded with the good stuff :  Butterscotch, marshmallow, coconut, gobs of sugar!  Butterscotch Snowcaps were a winner in the 1962 14th Pillsbury Bake Off contest, submitted by Mrs. Milton Pilcher of Concordia, Kansas.

I love the unique look to these cookies.  I can't think of anything I have seen before that is similar.

Taste and construction:
  These cookies did taste decent, but I would never make them again.  They were a bit of a pain to construct.  After baking, the cookies must be completely cooled. That's not asking too much other than we all know warm cookies are the best.  The problems really start with the marshmallow topping which isn't the easiest to glob on top of the cookie, taking care to not muck up the previously piped butterscotch ring.  The biggest issue though is dealing with that butterscotch icing.  The icing kept firming up inside the decorators bag, which I would have to run under hot water to soften it, every 2 cookies. Every 2 cookies!  Add in there that I also had to wipe the bag down after running it under water so it wasn't dripping on the cookies.
And! The dough did not make 4 dozen cookies, maybe half that.

But they do look divine!

Recipe repair:  The issue is making these cookies look pretty.  If flavor is the only goal then I would mix the butterscotch chips into the dough.  Shape the cookies like thumbprints and bake.  Then dollop the marshmallow and coconut in the impression after coming out of the oven.  Melty marshmallow! Yum!

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