Thursday, October 29, 2020

Jezebel Brain


🎵"Neo-cortex, Frontal Lobe...
Brainstem!  Brainstem!"🎵

For a spooky inspired appetizer I made us a Jezebel Brain cheese ball.  "Jezebel" was first introduced to us by our Mertz/Ricardo best pals a few years back.  The most popular way of making Jezebel is as a sauce, which is comprised of apricot jelly and prepared horseradish which is then poured over a block of cream cheese.  

Our pals do theirs a little different and better I think.  They take the block of cream cheese, cut a few channels through it and place the horseradish inside, then put raspberry jelly over the top, hiding where the spice is.  This adds the element of surprise of biting into a big hunk of  horseradish!  You eat it with "buttery cracker rounds" also know as Ritz crackers to the name brand shoppers.  It is so addictive and delicious!

To make my Jezebel brain I placed a package of slightly softened cream cheese in a piece of saran wrap and shaped it into a brain form.  I then opened the saran wrap up and cut a few channels through the brain and placed horseradish inside, sealing them back up and reshaping the brain again with the saran wrap around it.  I placed the brain in the fridge to firm up.  In a sauce pan on the stove I heated a cup of raspberry jelly just to the point that it started to liquify.  I then let it cool some.  I took the brain out of the fridge and traced brain lines and fissures through the saran wrap. Unwrap the brain and place on a serving plate.  Spoon the cooled yet still liquidy jelly over the cheese ball. To help the fissure lines show better I smoothed the jelly down into them.  Spoon extra jelly around the brain, serve with crackers, and make like a zombie and enjoy!

Here's a brainworm (kinda like an earworm) for you too!

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