Thursday, September 09, 2021

Vintage Potholders

Here's the last bit of linen closet fodder...Pot holders!

Let's think about what uses they could have other than just keeping our mitts or countertops from getting burned.
The first and obvious is to just hang them on the kitchen wall as decor.  Another idea would be to stitch several together into a mat to place washed dishes to dry upon.  Stitch one in half closed by a zipper and make a pouch.  Or sew a few together to make a purse.    Place several down the middle of the table to make a funky faux table runner.  Use them the same as you would doilies.  
My most favorite idea is to use them as drip coasters for sweaty icy drinks. 

That about clears out my linen closet ideas.
"Linen closets" can also include handkerchiefs, tablecloths, blankets, and placemats.  And while those items can have lots of reuse and upcycle options, I just use them as is.
What are some of your favorite repurpose linens ideas?


1 comment:

  1. I love old potholers! You have some cute ones!
