Monday, November 15, 2021

Burned Meatball Cookies

This lady might be seen as having a bad day with burning her meatball cookies.  Add in maybe that the thin little square of TP she is using to take the hot pan out of the oven then catches fire and she suffers third degree burns on her hand.  Also when she opens the window to let out the smoke a swarm of wasps flood the kitchen and she just so happens to be deathly allergic to them.

I would say that this has been the way my life has been going for the past 18 months but it's not even close.  This lady's problems are her own fault because she forgot to set a timer.  My disappointments, issues,  and tragedies have all been caused by nothing I did or didn't do, and they come constantly out of no where.  If I was a superstitious person  (I'm just a little stitious) I would think someone has a voodoo doll with my name on it. 

I'm trying to make light of this because MhiCTy is not a place for sadness or depression.  Nobody including myself wants to read or relive it.  To lay it out in blog terms I didn't do anything for Halloween until Oct 28 and it was minimal (hoping to post those soon).  I have something small planned for Thanksgiving and Christmas has nothing.  I have no theme this year.  If you know me and this blog you can translate that fairly easily with my emotional state.  I am sure that when Dec rolls around I will do something but I don't know what that is right now.  I've been conditioned because of this past year and a half to not plan on anything...not even cleaning the bathroom because that becomes the day I happen to quickly drop into Hobby Lobby for 5 minutes and wind up with a corneal abrasion from a random fleck of something that came out of nowhere.  That was just one of my last week's ordeals.  This week I just long for simple burned meatball cookies... 



  1. *hugs* Mary! Hoping things improve for you soon!

  2. I hope all is ok!!!!! This is not like you! Sending good vibes your way!

  3. I'm sorry that you are so un-happy right now. I am too. But I find that talking about what's going on in my world helps a lot. I honestly think that your blog readers would be fine with you sharing with us. You see, we care about you and we enjoy your blog so much. You need a listening ear and a big "blog" hug.
    I understand if your struggles are too personal for sharing. I think you are such a unique individual, and I hate to think of you so un-happy right now.
    Anywho, if you feel like sharing and just throwing around some feelings in a blog post, please dont think you would be depressing us.
    We care about you.
