Saturday, January 01, 2022

New Year's Eve Decor

Every year I decorate for New Year's but never take many photos and certainly don't post them.  It's decor that only stays up for a few hours and most of that is during bad lighting. This year I decided to snap a few pics along with cobbling together some from past years to make a complete presentation.  

Doing the New Years decorating is a push toward getting the house de-Santafied.  Our dining room is  themed to be an Asian restaurant during the non-holiday times.  We have Chinese for our New Year's eve meal every year (gotta get our "fortunes" for the upcoming year!).  So that means I have to get the Christmas out and the regular decor up in that room by Dec 31.  But then to make it more New Year festive I use the branches from the aluminum Christmas tree (they remind me of sparklers/fireworks!) along with silver garland and some other what-nots to decorate.  Remember when Asian restaurants used to have paper placemats with the years and horoscopes?  I have always loved these so I saved several and had them laminated over 20 years ago.  Oh yeah, and we have special plates and glasses for New Years....and silver ware.  The plates are authentic Chinese buffet plates that I bought from a restaurant in town.  The glasses are vintage originally from Asian-Tiki themed restaurants where you got to "keep the souvenir glass" from a mixed drink.  The silverware (not pictured) have bamboo handles and I bought them from Target over 20 years ago.

Enough blah-blah-blah.  Here's the photos:

Our New Year's eve top hats were from the dollar spot at Target from 2011..when it was actually a dollar.  They were each part of a set of other plastic bits to decorate a snowman...plastic carrot nose etc.  We live in Florida (God help us) and we don't get snow...could maybe do a sand-snowman but I hate the beach.  Anywho, I turned them into hats for us by adding an elastic string and some silver tinsel.

Here we are in 2011 with our hats.  
This is my most favorite family picture.  I have it in a frame and it's up all year.

Here's hoping for 2022 to better than 2021...or 2020...but I'm not placing any bets.


  1. Happy New Year, Mary!!!

    Love your dining room theme. Everything looks so festive for NYE!
