Sunday, October 30, 2022

Kitsch-o-ween 2022

This year for Halloween I did things a bit different.  Instead of having both the living room and dining room be the entire cohesive vintage collection I did the living room in a more dark manor of voodoo mortuary and the dining room in the cutesy kitschy stuff.
Today I share with you the Kitsch-o-Ween Dining decor!

For the most part it's kind of the same set up.

However I did a bunch of extra flourishes!  I added in the new bottle brush trees and made some lifts for them out of canned fruit with the labels removed.  I also added a bunch of garland festooning to the blow molds and here and there.

The china cabinet in the corner is always a crappy photo due to the vast sun that blasts in but I'm still including it for a 'you get the idea' image.

This vintage plant stand is a new thing in the dining room. I filled it with more blow molds and garlands.  I had plans of making some inserts for the JOLs that looked like vintage style candies and what nots were popping out but I ran out of momentum, time, and sourcing supplies.  Just picture it in your mind.

I am pretty pleased with how all the decor turned out this year.  I am kinda planning for next time I am going to go back to my classic do up though.  I have a bunch of stuff that hasn't gotten to come out and play for several years such as all of The Simpsons stuff and all of my little vintage Halloween papery what-nots and we have been missing seeing them.

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