Monday, October 17, 2022

New Halloween 2022: Hanging Ghouls

So here is something totally different for me...actually NEW stuff, like from a regular store, that has been mass produced and in the current year.
I bought these two hanging ghouls from Dollar General this year because they had that vintage classic Halloween vibe to their blow mold faces:

Now, of course the majority of their bodies are made out of cheap fabric crap but I think they could have potential for some crafting.

Another newbie is this mini witch ghoul that came from 1.25 tree:

I thought her head had a great vintage look, the rest of it is junk.



  1. Can't wait to see what you transform them into! Just found your blog.on Pinterest and will be back to look around🎃

  2. Transformations probably won't happen this season, I'm getting down to crunch time. Thanks for stopping by!
