Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Pipe Cleaner Art

In with keeping with summer crafting I thought I would share this absolutely adorable vintage box for pipe cleaners.  We picked this up at an antique mall for 10 bucks.  A bit steep for me but I couldn't resist it!

The back of the box:

And not only was the box jam packed with pipe cleaners it did still have the 'complete instructions' inside!

Creative ideas of interest to invalids, shut-ins, convalescents! 

Entertainment for hours!

Most of the ideas that are in here just have me asking "But why?!  Why would you need to make simulated embroidery on an envelope (or maybe that's a bag)?  Why would you think it's a good idea to cover your salt and pepper shakers in rows of pipe cleaners?  Who would want a lyre shaped letter holder?"  Maybe shut-ins have these answers.

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