Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fruit Cake Cookies

For gifts this year I made everyone Fruit Cake Cookies, far better than the cake!

I packaged them in boxes that I collaged with prints showing vintage ads and mail order images of all things fruit cake. 

The recipe is actually a non-vintage one.  I didn't do much different other than I used sugared crystalized pineapple other than the candied.  I'm going to have to start sourcing my candied fruit through highly dubious ways to get around it's ungodly high prices. One thing I noticed with these cookies is that even though it is directed to drop them by the scoop onto the cookie sheet before baking I would additionally add for you to give each cookie a smash because they do not spread.

 I was pretty impressed with how the boxes turned out so here is a flat shot (above) of the tops.

These cookies are super good.  I liked that I was able to bake them several days before Christmas since they keep well.  The original recipe has that they can be frozen too so that would be handy for getting a head start a month or so before the deadline of holiday doom.

I'll eventually update this post with the entire recipe since original sources disappear from internetland  but for now you can find it here.


  1. Those look intriguing, Mary! I almost want to try them!

  2. They were really, really good! I think I am going to be making them again next year for Christmas gifts also!

